The actual Mood Board Monday Link up party will be Monday, March 7th.
Along the way, we will all hopefully inspire some real life expecting moms looking to put together a special space for their brand new bundles of joy. With no cares for a budget and an unlimited imagination, shop the web to create a kid friendly room you love. Like every other Mood Board Monday, this blog party is all about seeing how different people are inspired differently by the same things. I know a ton of you bloggers out there are moms and it seems lately like we are waiting for and meeting a ton of new blogland babies (like mine!), so let's design some kid rooms!!! Its the baby edition!!!! We are teaming up with Bonavita, the makers of fine children's furniture, and hopefully you, to have some fun decorating nurseries and children's rooms.starting with the crib (or its conversion bed). Hi! For the first Mood Board Monday party of the new year, we are doing something special:)